Family & Divorce Mediation
The Family Center Mediation provides the highest quality in family and divorce mediation. Mediation is a comprehensive and affordable alternative to traditional divorce litigation. We specialize in assisting couples, even very high conflict couples who no longer seem able to communicate in basic ways, to calmly negotiate their own terms of separation and divorce. Mediation is a calm and facilitated negotiation process. Mediation is typically much less expensive and much quicker than traditional divorce litigation.
Divorce often presents some the most difficult decisions individuals will ever have to make. Mediation empowers couples to retain and exercise their own decision-making abilities, based on the premise that those most intimately involved know what is best their family. Solutions available through divorce mediation extend beyond those available through traditional divorce litigation, most often resulting in a fair, impartial, mutually satisfying and and long-lasting settlement.
Through mediation, parties meet confidentially with a neutral third party (Mediator). Divorce mediation is a process of systematically sorting through conflicts, including any child support, spousal support, custody and visitation, and division of property issues. Aided by the mediator, parties formulate mutually satisfying resolutions. If it is the parties' intent, mediation can result in a full divorce settlement.
The Family Center's approach to mediation is unique. Our mediators, with backgrounds in both psychology and business law, are highly skilled at keeping at the forefront what is in a child's best interest, while simultaneously mediating complicated financial issues of separation and divorce. We are adept and recognizing when it is important (or essential) that participants consult with a specialist, such as a tax attorney or wealth advisor. Professional referrals can be made as needed.
The Family Center Mediation is unique in that our excellent team of clinical psychologists, child development experts, parent educators, and parenting coordinators are readily accessible (upon request) to help support parties through mediation, and through their long-term transition. This approach has proved to be a highly successful means to effectively and efficiently develop fair and secure plans, to the satisfaction of the participants, and in the best interests of their children.
“I'm really grateful to The Family Center for turning what could've been a complete nightmare into a truly transformative process, resulting in a MUCH better life for me, our four kids, and their mother. Believe it or not (as contentious as we were!) my ex and I have turned into enthusiastic co-parents. Our kids are thriving-- we're even able to (post-divorce) all have dinner together from time to time. This never would've happened had we gone the traditional divorce route. I highly recommend this process!”
~Bobby D.